Mark S. Thomas
Contemporary art
Ink and Wax Resist Drawings
Many years ago I was surprised to learn that British sculpture Henry Moore had produced a series of ink and wax resist drawings depicting Londoners sheltering from the Blitz during the second World War. It was the first time I had seen the technique used in fine art drawings. As a former textile artist it was of particular interest to me, because resist techniques have a long history of use in textile arts, some of which I've practiced. The drawings are created with the use of a white wax crayon. By varying the application of wax on your substrate you can create crude gradations. The areas of heaviest wax application will create your whitest or brightest areas. I was captivated by the stark, gritty surface created by the ink as it flows over the wax and soaks into the areas of paper that are devoid of wax. Beads of ink pool and puddle searching for a place to cling and bond to, creating a stippled and stone like surface. Intrigued by the technique I was inspired to begin a wax and ink drawing series.